Online Mole Challenge 5: Episode 1 Challenges


Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Episode 1 Challenges


Objective: Answer 30 questions correctly

In your first live challenge, you will be asked to work as a team in a classic OMC trivia competition. This challenge will test your ability to cooperate with your fellow agents, think strategically, and see how much general knowledge you have.

Essentially, this is a trivia challenge. However, there is much more going on than that. I will ask a series of questions relating to many different topics. Your main objective is to answer these questions as accurately as possible to reach your goal of 30 correct answers. I have a total of 50 questions prepared. This means, if nothing else, you can only miss 20 questions. I doubt it will come to that because of the other elements of this challenge.

After a question has been presented, an agent must chime in to indicate they will be answering the question. The first agent to say “ding” will be responsible for answering the question. Once an agent has said “ding”, no other agents’ response to the question will be considered. After the question has been asked, an agent must chime in within 10 seconds. After an agent chimes in, they have 5 seconds to submit their answer. Violating either of these time limits will result in the question being considered answered incorrectly.

Every agent will be granted two “lives”. If the agent answers a question correctly, it will add to the tally of correct answers. On the other hand, if a question is answered incorrectly, the agent who answered incorrectly must select another agent to eliminate a life from. If all of an agent’s lives are eliminated, they are ousted and can not participate further in the task. If it comes down to one remaining agent, lives will no longer be in effect. Rather, with one agent left, incorrect answers will earn the last remaining agent a “strike”. If that agent earns three strikes the task is a failure. Also, the last remaining agent does not have to chime in to answer a question and will have a total time limit of 10 seconds to submit their answer.

Time: 02/07 @ 09:15 PM EST (AIM)
Estimated to last one hour

Worth: $1.50
$0.50 for 20 correct answers.

Reward: Exemption will be awarded to the agent who correctly answers the most questions.

Challenge 1.2: Blog-O-Sphere

Objective: Complete a seamless webring of player customized blogs.

In what has become an OMC tradition, you will, using Blogger, construct a blog. You'll use this blog throughout the game to post public confessionals and public comments about executed agents. As per the rules, each agent must make at least one confessional post and one executed agent post per episode (these may not be the same post).

You can do anything you want with your blog - use any name you want, any URL you want, as long as you have the following four elements IN YOUR BLOG'S TEMPLATE:

1. OMC 5 logo linked back to OMC 5 home page.
2. Your agent picture.
3. A 100-200 word bio (as part of the template, remember)
4. "Forward" and "Back" links - more on that in a moment.

$.05 will be deducted for each mistake with the first 3 items found after the challenge deadline passes. As soon as you set up your blog, send the URL to Ryan M.

Web ring - The team must work together to coordinate a web ring of blogs. Basically what this means is that each agent's blog must contain a "forward" and a "back" link ("forward" linking to the next blog in the ring and "backward" linking to the previous blog in the ring). The "forward" link on the last blog links to the first blog, the "backward" link on the first blog links to the last blog.

After the challenge deadline passes I will choose a blog at random to start with and click the "forward" link, continuing to click the "forward" link on each successive blog. I should not visit the same blog twice before I get back to the first in the sequence, nor should I run into any broken links. If the "forward" ring is navigated successfully, I'll do the same thing with the "back" links. For each blog successfully linked in the ring, $.10 will be added to the pot - if all ten are successfully linked, $1 will be added to the pot. If the ring is broken at any point (forward or back) no money will be added to the pot for this challenge.

If people are being uncooperative you may cut them out of the ring, but the ring must still be unbroken.

Ryan M WILL NOT give any tech support for this challenge. You must ask your teammates for help if you get stuck.

Deadline: 02/10 @ 11:59 PM EST

Worth: $1.00

Reward: None

Challenge 1.3: Deep Dark Secrets

Objective: Get to know your fellow agents.

If you wish to have success in any ORG, much less a mole game, you need to know your fellow agents. Obviously you all know this, but just to make sure we're all getting off on a good foot, and to test your online social skills here's a fun little challenge.


Over the next several days, use AIM, email, and/or the forums to chat it up and get to know your fellow players. Sometime over the next couple of days, each player must post something interesting about themselves. The deeper you go the better. Perhaps an embarassing story, favorite memory, or a life's aspiration. A bad example would be stating your favorite color or hometown. Here's where it gets interesting... You can opt to post either a true fact about yourself or make something up. E-mail Ryan M right away to tell him whether you're posting a truthful fact or a false one. Do not reveal your choice to the other players.

If you're posting something truthful, everything in it must be completely genuine. If you're posting something false, it must be completely made up and have no factual basis whatsoever.

For each agent who does not make a post, $.05 will be deducted from the pot.


After the deadline for posting has passed, each agent will e-mail me with their guesses as to which posts are real and which are made up.

Each correct guess an agent makes adds $0.01 to the pot. If the group as a whole is 90% accurate or better $1.00 will be added to the pot. The agent with the most correct guesses will win a bonus, but I will not tell what it is at this point. I will tell you that it is quite beneficial and worth your while. On the other hand, the agent who makes the least correct guesses will receive a consequence that is definitely not desirable, but again I will not disclose what it is until the challenge is over. In the event of a tie in either case, the winning or losing agent will be decide by rolling a die.

PART ONE Deadline: 02/09 @ 11:59 PM EST
PART TWO Deadline: 02/10 @ 11:59 PM EST

Worth: $1.00

Reward: Mysterious

Mole Points Challenge 1: Extreme Makeover Blog Edition

Get creative with your blog - feel free to add all kinds of doo-dads and weird stuff to express your personality. The Mini Mole Panel will judge the blogs and determine which three are the coolest. First place gets 5 mole points, second gets 4 mole points, third gets 3 mole point.

Deadline: 02/10 @ 11:59 PM Eastern