Online Mole Challenge 5: April 2007


Friday, April 27, 2007

Episode 8 Challenges: Pt 1 Debriefing

Challenge 8.1: Three Questions

Earn as much money as possible by correctly identifying how a third player answered questions in this classic mole final three challenge.

Each of the player pairings met on AIM this week to complete their rounds. In order to "find" the third missing player, they had to correctly guess how the third player completed a survey of personal and ethical questions. Here's how the rounds broke down:

Fred and Padraig:
  1. Who would Andy rather have speak at his funeral?
    • Players' Answer: Fred
    • Andy's Answer: Padraig
  2. Who does Andy think is less likely to pick up the tab in a restaurant?
    • Players' Answer: Fred
    • Andy's Answer: Padraig
  3. Who does Andy think is more likely to commit a federal crime?
    • Players' Answer: Padraig
    • Andy's Answer: Padraig
  • Correct: 1/3
Fred and Andy:
  1. Who does Padraig think is more likely to have a loved one cheat on them?
    • Players' Answer: Fred
    • Padraig's Answer: Fred
  2. Who does Padraig think is more likely to hire a hitman?
    • Players' Answer: Andy
    • Padraig's Answer: Andy
  3. Who does Padraig think is more likely to lie to his face?
    • Players' Answer: Andy
    • Padraig's Answer: Fred
  • Correct: 2/3
Andy and Padraig:
  1. If Martians came down and abducted one person, who does Fred think it would it be?
    • Players' Answer: Padraig
    • Fred's Answer: Padraig
  2. Who does Fred think is more likely to become world famous?
    • Players' Answer: Andy
    • Fred's Answer: Padraig
  3. Who does Fred think is more likely to sleep with someone to get what they want?
    • Players' Answer: Andy
    • Fred's Answer: Andy
  • Correct: 2/3
No pairing could correctly answer their three questions and none of the missing players were found. No money is added to the pot.

(PS: I apologize for the length of this challenge, this was a busy week for all of us and it was a nightmare to get the necessary players online at the same time.)


Reward: None

Friday, April 20, 2007

Episode 8 Challenges: Pt 1

Challenge 8.1: Three Questions

Earn as much money as possible by correctly identifying how a third player answered questions in this classic mole final three challenge.

Each player has been sent a survey. The questions were made to be embarrassing, ethical, or maybe offensive. Each player must respond to the questions with the name of one of the other two agents.

In the task, the players will meet in a web-based chat room. Players will not be allowed to be on AIM under any screen name that other players in the game may know of. Communication between myself and the players outside of the chatroom will be conducted by email.

When the task begins, one at a time, a player will be taken from the group and be "hidden", this player will leave the chat room. This player will be hidden at the end of a branching trail. To navigate the trail, the other two players will have to guess how the hidden player responded to a series of three questions. Each guess will lead them down a different path, so even one wrong guess will result in failure that round. If the hidden player is found $1.00 will be added to the pot. There will be three rounds, each player will have a turn being hidden. Please keep the game moving, I will cut you off if you take longer than 30 minutes to complete all three rounds. Anything not completed by the time limit will be considered lost. If all three players are found, an additional $1.00 will be added to the pot.

The following things are forbidden for this task:
- Logging onto AIM
- Communication between players by any other means outside of the chatroom
- Sharing answers in any way
Doing any of the above will result in any combination of mission failure, money penalties, and/or quiz penalties at my discretion. If you report another player doing one of these things, report it, you will be compensated.

Time: 04/22 @ 8:00 PM EST
Estimated to last up to 45 mins.

Worth: $4.00

Reward: None

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Episode 7 Execution Results

The execution interface has been updated, click the link in the sidebar to discover the final three!

(Sorry guys I updated the page last night, but just noticed I forgot to update the link)

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Episode 7 Challenge Debriefing

Challenge 7.1: Wall Street

Earn as much money for the pot as possible.

Here is the trading the players engaged in over the four days of this challenge (Note: There were a lot of calculations involved in this challenge so I would not be surprised if I mucked something up, just let me know if you find any errors):

Day 1
  • Andy bought 2557 shares of T at $39.10 per share for a total cost of $99,978.70
  • Evin bought 500 shares of CPB at $39.24 per share, 63 shares of GOOG at 463.55 per share, and 1418 shares of DIS at $35.00 per share for a total cost of $98,453.65
  • Fred bought 2860 shares of EBAY at $33.15 per share for a total cost of $94,809.00
  • Padraig bought 14 shares of GDAXI at $6,838.32 per share for a total cost of $95,736.48

  • Andy sold 2557 shares of T at $39.44 per share for a profit of $869.38
Day 2
  • Andy bought 12820 shares of F at $7.84 per share for a total cost of $100,508.80

  • Fred sold 2860 shares of EBAY at $33.11 per share for a loss of $114.40
  • Padriag sold 2557 shares of GDAXI at $6,816.89 per share for a loss of $300.02
Day 3
  • Fred bought 1762 shares of AXP at $56.30 per share for a total cost of $99,200.60
  • Padraig bought 3100 shares of HAL at $31.38 per share for a total cost of $97,278.00
Day 4
  • Andy sold 12820 shares of F at $7.89 per share for a profit of $641.00
  • Evin sold 500 shares of CPB at $38.95 per share, 63 shares of GOOG at 458.16 per share, and 1418 shares of DIS at $34.43 per share for a loss of $1,292.83
  • Fred sold 1762 shares of AXP at $56.40 per share for a profit of $176.20
  • Padraig sold 3100 shares of HAL at $31.74 per share for a profit of $1,116.00
There were a couple of violations, however. Day 1, Fred only invested $94,809.00 of his allotted $100,000, which is below the $95,000 minimum. In addition, Padraig invested in GDAXI, a German market index, which is neither a stock or on a US market. Therefore, as per the rules, both Fred and Padraig's $100,000 were forfeited and a $1.00 pot penalty was issued for each offense.

At the end of the challenge, Andy had a net worth of $100,980.28. Evin had a net worth of $98,707.17. Rounded up to the nearest cent, Andy was worth $1.01 to be added to the pot, while Evin was worth $0.99 to be added to the pot. A total of $2.00 was earned, while $2.00 in penalties was issued.

Earned: $2.00, $2.00 Deducted

Reward: None

Challenge 7.2: Minesweeper

Objective: Successfully Uncover 10 Mines.

This challenge played out fairly straight forward, players took turns making selections and flagging grid spaces on the forums. With time running out, Fred and Padraig contacted me about finishing the challenge over AIM and I arranged a chatroom. The two of them alternated their turns back and forth and managed to successfully flag all ten mines. You can see Fred and Padraig's gameplay here.

Here is the completed gameboard.

The challenge was completed successfully and $3.50 was added to the pot.


Reward: None

Challenge 7.3: In the Dark

Objective: Gather keys to unlock a vault filled with money.

Andy, Evin, Fred and Padraig attended this challenge. Yes, you heard me right, 100% attendance, and only seven episodes to get there! Andy, Fred, and Padraig were on AIM when I made the chatroom at the time of the challenge, Evin showed up a bit later. Nonetheless, the turn order was Andy, Fred, Padraig, Evin.

Fred and Padraig each found a safe right away. After a couple turns had gone by they had both correctly guessed the safe combinations and possessed one key each. A little later, Evin found a safe and guessed the correct combination on his first attempt, obtaining a key. Later, Evin found the last safe and once again cracked it on his first attempt, obtaining a second key.

All the while, the guard was scrambling about battling the players, and doing a poor job at it. The guard challenged Evin four times, losing three times, battled and lost to Padraig once, and battled and lost to Fred once. The guard never battled Andy. The guard's sole victory came in his fourth encounter with Evin, at a very inopportune time for the group. The guard defeated Evin, taking his two keys, with less than ten minutes remaining in the challenge. The group simply ran out of time to reclaim the keys.

No player obtained all four keys and the vault was not opened. No money was earned and no exemption won.


Reward: None