Online Mole Challenge 5: Episode 8 Challenges: Pt 1 Debriefing


Friday, April 27, 2007

Episode 8 Challenges: Pt 1 Debriefing

Challenge 8.1: Three Questions

Earn as much money as possible by correctly identifying how a third player answered questions in this classic mole final three challenge.

Each of the player pairings met on AIM this week to complete their rounds. In order to "find" the third missing player, they had to correctly guess how the third player completed a survey of personal and ethical questions. Here's how the rounds broke down:

Fred and Padraig:
  1. Who would Andy rather have speak at his funeral?
    • Players' Answer: Fred
    • Andy's Answer: Padraig
  2. Who does Andy think is less likely to pick up the tab in a restaurant?
    • Players' Answer: Fred
    • Andy's Answer: Padraig
  3. Who does Andy think is more likely to commit a federal crime?
    • Players' Answer: Padraig
    • Andy's Answer: Padraig
  • Correct: 1/3
Fred and Andy:
  1. Who does Padraig think is more likely to have a loved one cheat on them?
    • Players' Answer: Fred
    • Padraig's Answer: Fred
  2. Who does Padraig think is more likely to hire a hitman?
    • Players' Answer: Andy
    • Padraig's Answer: Andy
  3. Who does Padraig think is more likely to lie to his face?
    • Players' Answer: Andy
    • Padraig's Answer: Fred
  • Correct: 2/3
Andy and Padraig:
  1. If Martians came down and abducted one person, who does Fred think it would it be?
    • Players' Answer: Padraig
    • Fred's Answer: Padraig
  2. Who does Fred think is more likely to become world famous?
    • Players' Answer: Andy
    • Fred's Answer: Padraig
  3. Who does Fred think is more likely to sleep with someone to get what they want?
    • Players' Answer: Andy
    • Fred's Answer: Andy
  • Correct: 2/3
No pairing could correctly answer their three questions and none of the missing players were found. No money is added to the pot.

(PS: I apologize for the length of this challenge, this was a busy week for all of us and it was a nightmare to get the necessary players online at the same time.)


Reward: None