Online Mole Challenge 5: Episode 6 Challenge Debriefing


Sunday, March 18, 2007

Episode 6 Challenge Debriefing

Challenge 6.1: Mole Idol 2

Objective: Create an original music video.

Evin was the first to post claiming the role of producer. Evin then assigned the rest of the roles as follows:
  • Writer: Fred
  • Band: Andy
  • Director: Ryan
  • Editor: Padraig
As the writer, Fred chose the song "Believe Me" by Fort Minor to use for the video, but made no plans for the premise of the video. Andy, the band, was able to track down a copy of the song. Meanwhile, Ryan found a video of a band screaming some song, I can only assume its a version of the same song.

These elements were sent to the editor, Padraig, who was supposed to assemble them into a single music video file. There appeared to be some file type issues and the pieces gathered by Andy and Ryan were not assembled in any single file that I am aware of. Evin, the producer ended up sending me only the video file that Ryan found.

Three of the five tasks were completed, earning $0.60 to be added to the pot. However, the final product submitted to me was lacking the band's audio file, and since Fred made no video premise specifications, the video could not follow any premise. These offenses deduct $0.25 each for a total penalty of $0.50.

Earned: $0.10

Reward: None

Challenge 6.2: Ryan's Funhouse

Objective: Have all players escape the maniacal funhouse.

Four players dared to enter my funhouse, Evin, Fred, Padraig, and Ryan. Andy mistakenly showed up at 6 PM EST not realizing that US DST threw off the time differential.

After some further details about the intricate workings of the challenge, the front door of the funhouse was opened. Ryan and Fred were able to answer riddles correctly and got out of the first room and proceeded throughout the funhouse. Ryan was the first to get out of the funhouse, Ryan got the chest at the exit. While in the funhouse, Fred found a chest as well. Fred then managed to get out of the funhouse as well. Meanwhile, Evin and Padraig found two of the doors out of the first room locked when they tried to get through them. Not long thereafter, the third door was locked by an incorrect answer and the two were stuck. This meant the entire group could not escape the funhouse and no money was won.

However, the challenge was not over. Prior to starting the challenge, I told the group that one of the chests held something special, but did not disclose any details. Following the challenge, I informed the players that one of the chests held an exemption (remember that there were three chests, one was not found by the players and remained in the funhouse). The catch, however, was that I would not tell Ryan and Fred (the players with chests) if their chest had the exemption. I told them that they would have to pay $0.50 from the pot money in order to open their chest and see if they had exemption, if they left their chest closed they couldn't earn exemption even if they did have it. Both Fred and Ryan took this offer and opened their chest. Fred's chest was empty. Ryan's chest was also empty. The exemption lied in the chest left inside the funhouse.

$1.00 Deducted

Reward: None