Online Mole Challenge 5: And So It Begins...


Sunday, February 11, 2007

And So It Begins...

Welcome agents, to TS-7. Congratulations on making it this far. However, there is no time to waste. There are very pressing issues on hand. In a recent report, the government has outlined the developing threat of a viral epidemic. This report, made in response to growing public concern regarding a string of sudden and highly mysterious, yet undoubtedly related deaths states that government researchers have reason to believe a strange new strain of virus had infected the affected individuals and is highly deadly and contagious. Quickly following the statement, Congress passed an act re-establishing our agency. It is our responsibility to root out the cause of these deaths, the identity and origin of such a pathogen, and develop a means to eliminate it.

These matters hit home quite hard indeed, as it has just come to my attention that traces of the infection are trickling into our agency. While the severity of such infections are minimal at this point, we do risk susceptibility should a widespread outbreak occur. It is my duty to inform you that Heidi has been infected. However, a vaccine which provides defense against infection lies in Keith's possession. I encourage all of you to visit the rules page for details about the infection and how it affects our agency. ("The Big OMC 5 Twist")

We have a pandemic on our hands, and it is our duty to eliminate it.