Online Mole Challenge 5: Episode 2 Challenges


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Episode 2 Challenges

Challenge 2.1: Sharks n' Minnows

Objective: Safely navigate from one end of a gameboard to another.

In this challenge, a group of eight agents, "minnows", will try to navigate across a gameboard without being ousted by the "shark". The gameboard consists of a seven-by-eight grid. The "minnows" will start lined up down the furthest right column of the gameboard (arranged based on the reply order to the Jaws thread on the forums and alphabetically for those who haven't replied). The "shark" will begin in the approximate center of the gameboard. The "minnows" will take turns moving from space to space attempting to make it to a space in the furthest left column of the gameboard, we shall call these spaces "land".

The challenge is divided up into rounds. In each round, the "minnows" post on the forums the direction they would like to move: N, E, S, W. "Minnows" are allowed to move one space in one direction per round. However, the "shark" is allowed to move two spaces N, E, S, or W (shark, please specify if you wish to move one or two spaces) per round. All players may opt to stay where they are for the round if they do not wish to move. If all "minnows" have not made a move within seven hours of the start of the round, they lose their turn and default to staying where they are. The shark may only move once per round, either after all eight "minnows" have made their move or after seven hours have elapsed since the beginning of the current round, whichever comes first. The shark has up to three hours to make their move after one of the conditions stated before or they too default to staying where they are.

I will update the gameboard graphic on the forums after each round (you don't have to wait for me to post the gameboard if I'm running behind to start up a new round, just keep track of where everyone is). No two players may occupy the same space (including "land" spaces), so keep track of where everyone is moving during each round. If a player tries to move onto a space occupied by another player, the player who is already occupying that space has the right to that space and the player trying to move to that space defaults to staying where they are.

The sharks ousts players chess style, by moving to the space the "minnow" is occupying. If a "minnow" moves onto the space the shark is occupying, they are ousted. The shark may not move to a "land" space.

Each "minnow" that reaches land earns $0.15 for the pot. If five "minnows" must reach land $1.50 will be added to the pot.

Finally, the shark is PADRAIG (for replying to the Jaws thread first).

Deadline: 02/17 @ 11:59 PM EST

Worth: $1.50

Reward: The first agent to reach land wins exemption. Unless, the shark ousts 4 or more players, the shark wins exemption.

Challenge 2.2: Tetris

Objective: Clear 15 rows in a turn-based version of Tetris.

This challenge is a turn-based adaptation of the classic puzzle game Tetris. If you don't know the basic premise of Tetris (where have you been?), you can play this great online version to get a feel for it.

Each agent has been emailed a set of six Tetris pieces. Agents will take turns "dropping" the pieces into the gameboard following Tetris rules. I have provided the blank gameboard on the forums. The first player will copy that gameboard and edit their piece where they want it to go using MS Paint, Adobe Photoshop, or some other program; they will then post the new gameboard with their piece added to the challenge thread. The next player to place a piece will take the latest gameboard posted and edit in their piece, and so on. You must wait until at least two other agents place a piece before posting another one. You must post your pieces in the numerical order indicated in the email I sent you. You may place a piece in any rotated state (NOT flipped) as according to Tetris rules.

If, when adding your piece, you complete a horizontal row(s), do NOT delete the row(s) yourself; instead color the completed row(s) black. The next player to add a piece will be responsible for clearing the black row(s) from the gameboard and shifting pieces above the black row(s) down. Also, please add your pieces to the gameboard using your agent color (see forums, or just look at the color of the pieces I sent you).

Each cleared line is worth $0.05 added to the pot. If 15 lines are cleared, $1.00 will be added to the pot.

If at any time a rule listed here, or a Tetris gameplay rule is violated, the challenge will end immediately upon the violation and no further money can be won.

Deadline: 02/17 @ 11:59 PM EST

Worth: $1.00

Reward: None

Challenge 2.3: Bullseye

Objective: Correctly solve 25 puzzles.

I have developed a series of twenty-five challenging puzzles. It is your task for this challenge to correctly solve them. Due to the difficulty of some of the puzzles, your success will be gauged by your accuracy for each question based on the following scale:

0% Error: $0.05 added to the pot
10% Error: $0.04 added to the pot
20% Error: $0.03 added to the pot
30% Error: $0.02 added to the pot
40% Error: $0.01 added to the pot
>40% Error: $0.00 added to the pot

*Each level includes the percentage listed and all lesser percentages until the next level.

Each agent may answer a maximum of three puzzles. If someone goes over, the challenge ends as soon as the extra answer is posted and no further money can be won.

In order to save space I have listed the puzzles to be solved here.

Deadline: 02/17 @ 11:59 PM EST

Worth: $1.25

Reward: None

Mole Points Challenge 2: Comic Relief

Get creative and create an original comic. It can be developed on a computer or hand drawn and scanned in. It can be a single panel one-liner, or a complicated string of events. Whatever your heart desires. There are only two requirements: 1) It must be original, the Mini Moles will be looking out for remakes or direct copying from existing comics. 2) It must incorporate something mole related (note I didn't say it had to be OMC related necessarily). Happy doodling!

Deadline: 02/17 @ 11:59 PM Eastern