Online Mole Challenge 5: Episode 3 Challenges


Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Episode 3 Challenges

Challenge 3.1: Package Peril

Objective: Win as much money for the pot as possible.

In this live challenge, the concept is quite basic but strategy and teamwork will be necessary to succeed. The players will be invited to the chat room at the designated time. They will then be informed that there are six (imaginary of course) packages. Each package contains one of the following:

$1.75 Added to Pot
+1 Quiz Bonus
$1.75 Deducted from Pot
-1 Quiz Penalty
Neutralization for Episode 4

The players present must decide on a package to "stand on". If only one player is standing on a package the contents of the package will be added/subtracted or given to the player who is standing on that package. More than one player may stand on a package, and a package may be left unoccupied. However, the contents will only be applied if exactly one player stands on the package.

Time: 02/21 @ 09:00 PM EST (AIM Chat)
Estimated to last one half-hour

Worth: $1.75

Reward: Exemption and/or Neutralization as well as quiz bonuses may be awarded according to the rules above (A neutralized player can not earn exemption in the following episode).

Challenge 3.2: Where in the world are the Mini Moles?

Objective: Correctly identify world locations.

Beginning 02/22 I will post 10 screenshots from Google Earth on the forums each day for three days. Your task is to figure out where is pictured. Using Google Earth or Google Maps would be the best way to do so.

Only one answer may be given per picture and an agent may not post more than two answers per day.

Agents must provide the city & state for locations in the US, city & country for global locations.

$.04 will be added to the pot for every correct guess... an extra $.10 will be tossed in if all 10 locations from a day are correct.

Download Google Earth

Deadline: 02/24 @ 11:59 PM EST

Worth: $1.50

Reward: None

Challenge 3.3: Tabloid Twist

Objective: Correctly identify a group of celebrities.

I have selected a group of eight world celebrities. I took a picture of each person, and mix-and-matched their facial features with other peoples' in the group. I will send out an email to each player on 02/22 containing a scrambled up image containing part of each person's face.

It is your task to identify all eight celebrities. When you think you know someone who is pictured, post their name on the forums. Each correct name posted earns $0.10 for the pot. Each incorrect name posted deducts $0.10 from the pot. If all eight celebrities are identified, $1.50 will be added to the pot (deductions for incorrect answers not deemed void however).

Feel free to share your images with your fellow agents. However, the agent who correctly identifies the most celebrities wins a +1 Quiz Bonus for Episode 3 (only if you are the first to post the correct name do you get credit).

Deadline: 02/24 @ 11:59 PM EST

Worth: $1.50

Reward: +2 Quiz Bonus

Mole Points Challenge 3: You're no poet, and we all know it.

Write an original poem that incorporates a mole related topic. Any kind of poem will do. The Mini Moles will be looking for creativity and your mole reference.

Deadline: 02/24 @ 11:59 PM Eastern