Online Mole Challenge 5: Episode 5 Challenges


Thursday, March 08, 2007

Episode 5 Challenges

Challenge 5.1: Liar's Dice

Objective: Bluff your way to an exemption.

Each player has been emailed a several sets of five values, representing the faces of six rolled dice. Each set will be referred to as a hand. These hands are not to be shared with other players.

Each round, one player begins bidding, picking a die face value, 1 through 6 and a quantity. The quantity states the minimum number of dice on the table (in any player's hand) are showing the stated face value. In this six player game, the lowest bid is "one 1" and the highest bid is "30 6s".

In turn, each player must either raise the bid or challenge the previous bid. Raising the bid means either increasing the quantity of the previous face or selecting any quantity with an increased face. The turn order will be alphabetical starting with Andy.

If the current player thinks the previous player's bid is wrong, he can challenge it and then all dice are revealed to determine whether the bid was valid. Revealing the same number or more of the stated face makes the bid a successful bid, in which case the challenger is ousted. Otherwise the player who made the bluff is ousted. A challenge is indicated by posting "I challenge the previous bid". I will tell you if the bid being challenged is valid or not.

If a player bids out of turn, or does not raise a bid correctly, they are automatically ousted in addition to deducting $0.25 from the pot for each offense.

After a player is ousted, a new round begins. Each time a new round begins, remaining players will use a new set of face values corresponding to the round number. The last player remaining wins exemption.

If a winner has not been decided by the challenge deadline, no exemption will be awarded this episode and $0.50 will be deducted from the pot.

Deadline: 03/10 @ 11:59 PM Eastern

Worth: $0.00

Reward: Exemption to the last remaining player.

Challenge 5.2: Scavenger Hunt

Objective: Gather and take pictures of 20 various items.

Time for a scavenger hunt! The basic premise of this task is to get a set of item together (yes, in real life) and take a photograph using the camera you all said you had. I hope you were truthful because I'm holding you to your response you gave me.

The List of Items:
- Baseball glove
- Vinyl record
- Chocolate bar
- Toaster
- Dog toy
- Eye glasses
- Tissue box
- Milk carton/jug
- Utensils (set of at least one spoon, fork, knife)
- Rubik's cube
- Flashlight
- Mp3 player
- Newspaper
- Toilet paper
- Banana
- Hairbrush
- Candle
- Remote control
- Cell phone
- Handheld gaming console

Padraig was the first to reply to a post I made about Koppel on Discovery, giving him a special role in this task. Padraig will be in charge of this task. You will notice that there are 20 items in the list above. Every item must be accounted for (photographed and submitted). Also, every player must participate, including Padraig. It is Padraig's job to assign an item or items to each player, every player must be assigned at least one item but the total number each player is responsible for is up to Padraig. Padraig will have as long as he wants to assign the items. No item photos will be valid unless they are submitted by the player Padraig assigned them to. So, until Padraig assigns the items no photos will be valid, and you won't be able to photograph other player's items.

Here is the process to take in completing this task:
(1) Padraig assigns items.
(2) Take photographs of items assigned to you. The items may be photographed individually or as a group.
(3) Write your OMC 5 password on a sheet of paper. This piece of paper MUST be next to the item(s) in each photo you submit. Putting your password into the photo using a computer does not count.
(4) Upload your photo(s) to your computer.
(5) E-Mail me the photo(s).

Each item validly photographed adds $0.15 to the pot. Make sure you follow the rules in my explanations above. I will be strict in checking for validity in your submissions. You can resubmit as many times as you want before the deadline if a photo is invalid, I will notify you if one is. A penalty of $0.15 will be issued for every photo that is invalid.

Deadline: 03/10 @ 11:59 PM EST

Worth: $3.00

Reward: None

Challenge 5.3: Elimination Auction

Objective: Earn as much money as possible for the pot.

In this live task, players will once again gather in an AIM chat room. Each player will be given a "token" that represents a certain amount of money. The amount each token is worth will depend on how many players attend the task. The total pot money will be split into even tokens and given to each player present.

The task will go in turns. The order will be randomly selected. When it is your turn you have two options. You may either add your token to the pot (adding money), or eliminate another player from the task. If you get eliminated you are no longer part of the task and your token money is forfeited. If need be, more rounds will be played until either all tokens have been added to the pot or one player remains. The last player remaining will be awarded a mystery reward.

Time: Due: 03/10 @ 9 PM EST (AIM)
Estimated to last 30 minutes.

Worth: $3.00

Mystery reward to last player remaining.

Mole Points Challenge 5: The Story Game

Variations on this game have always been popular on boards and has been used in past OMC games as well. On the forums I have started a story and you guys have to continue it. You may add up to 100 words to the story per post, and you may only make one post at a time (you have to wait for someone else to post before you post again). The Mini Moles will decide who the most creative story tellers are.