Online Mole Challenge 5: Episode 6 Challenges


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Episode 6 Challenges

Challenge 6.1: Mole Idol 2

Objective: Create an original music video.

Coming off of the enormous success of the hit single produced in the original OMC Mole Idol (we can imagine...) the agency has opted to follow up with a music video edition for OMC 5.

It is up to the group to put this 2 minute, or longer, music video together. Each player will have a special role for the task at hand, each role is described below:

Writer: The idea man, comes up with the premise for the video. The writer can choose to write original lyrics or choose an existing song to use for the music video, keeping in mind it should represent OMC 5 in some way. In addition, the writer lays out a basic plan for the visual element of the video, perhaps a storyboard sketched in paint or listing scenes.

The Band: The band is in charge of the music for the video. If the writer opts to write original lyrics, the band must record these lyrics using their own voice and a computer mic of some kind, and then send it to the editor (preferably with some kind of background music, Audacity is a good free audio editor downloadable online). If the writer picks out an existing song, it is the band's duty to track down a copy of that song and get it to the editor.

Director: It is the director's duty to get the video together. Staying as close as possible to the premise laid out by the writer, as well as having the video line up somewhat reasonably with the lyrics, the director can splice together photos and/or videos to make the video. Windows Movie Maker works excellently here.

Editor: Puts all of the pieces of the project together. This basically consists of putting the song's audio with the video in one file and making everything lines up and looks and sounds good. This can be easily accomplished with Windows Movie Maker (standard on pretty much all PC's) or any assortment of downloadable programs. The editor must send the final product to the producer.

Producer: In charge of the group's progress. The producer organizes the group by assigning all of the other roles, overseeing everyone is doing their job, and releasing the final product. The role of producer will go to the first player who posts saying that they would like to be producer in the challenge thread on the forums. As said before, the producer assigns the rest of the players their roles as they see fit. Players can request roles, but the producer has the final say and players must carry out the role assigned. The producer should keep in mind that certain roles require certain hardware/software when assigning roles.

Nothing can be worked on until the producer assigns the roles. The writer must post their plans for the video before work on those elements can begin. The editor must wait for the band and the director to finish their tasks in order to begin assembling the music video.
The editor sends the finished video to the producer, who will then submit it to me. The group may elect to have the producer send in an incomplete finished product for partial credit (outlined later on).

The writer should complete their task by posting in the challenge thread. The band and director should email their completed tasks both to the editor and to myself in order to receive credit. The editor should also send me their assembled video when they finish (so I can give credit to them for completing their task).
The producer must email the final file to me. I will consider the finished product to be what I receive as a submission from the producer.

Each credited individual task completed adds $0.20 to the pot.
(Assigning roles, drafting premise, recording/finding song, making video, assembling video)

If the entire project is completed as specified in this briefing $3.00 will be added to the pot.

If the finished product is missing audio and/or video, and/or strays considerably from the writer's premise, or these elements were done improperly, $0.25 will be deducted from the pot for each offense. The individual elements and the finished product must work on my computer in order to receive credit. I have a PC running Windows XP with all standard players and plugins, so unless you do something funky this shouldn't be a problem.

Deadline: 03/17 @ 11:59 PM Eastern

Worth: $3.00

Reward: None

Challenge 6.2: Ryan's Funhouse

Objective: Have all players escape the maniacal funhouse.

I have created a funhouse full of crazy corridors, locking doors, chests of booty, and of course riddles. I'm going to toss you guys in and see who can come out.

You can see a diagram of my funhouse above. It has nine rooms arranged in a grid. Each room has a door on each interior side that connects it to adjacent rooms. The green door represents the entrance, the red represents the exit. Your goal is to pass from room to room, starting at the entrance door, and get to the exit door. Each door is guarded by a riddle. In order to pass through the door you must answer the riddle correctly. If you answer it correctly you will pass into the corresponding room. If you answer it incorrectly, however, the door will become permanently locked for all players. To add to the fun, I have hidden three bonus chests inside the funhouse. Two are located in rooms and the third awaits the first player to leave the funhouse at the exit. These chests represent $1.00 each. When a player comes across a chest in the funhouse they can take it with them. In order for the chest money to be won, the chest must be found and the player who found it must exit the funhouse. Also, all players must exit the funhouse otherwise all money will be lost. Some rooms will be "illuminated", meaning the diagram on the page will notify you of your location, but all other rooms will not tell you where you are at, that is up to you to keep your bearings. But that's not all! You only have 30 minutes to escape! Muah hahaha! There will be some AIM chat room stuff going on, I'll explain that more at the task.

Time: 03/17 @ 5 PM EST (AIM)
Estimated to last 45 mins.

Worth: $3.00

Mole Points Challenge 6: OMC Inventor

Your task this week is to come up with an original invention. Give a description of what your invention does and a little about how it works and why it should be developed. You may draw an image of your invention by hand or on the computer in addition to your explanation. The Mini Moles will judge the entries based on creativity and effort.