Online Mole Challenge 5: Episode 3 Challenge Debriefing


Sunday, February 25, 2007

Episode 3 Challenge Debriefing

Challenge 3.1: Package Peril

Objective: Win as much money for the pot as possible.

With four agents, Aaron, Evin, Keith, and Mike (Padraig showed up but had computer issues making him unable to compete), attending this challenge, a few alterations had to be made to the challenge to accommodate for the numbers. Instead of the six listed boxes, the challenge involved four boxes, one holding $1.75, one holding Exemption, one a +1 Quiz Bonus, and one a -1 Quiz Penalty. The agents were allotted ten minutes to figure out how they would stand on the boxes. Aaron ended up standing on the money box, Evin on the +1 box, and Mike and Keith both on the Exemption box, voiding the contents.

Earned: $1.75

Reward: Evin +1 QP

Challenge 3.2: Where in the World are the Mini Moles?

Objective: Correctly identify world locations.

This proved to be quite a difficult challenge for the group. Below is a list of the correct locations, locations the group correctly identified have been bolded.

1. Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
2. Las Vegas, Nevada
3. Palm Springs, California
4. Panama City, Panama
5. Dundee, Scotland
6. Seoul, South Korea
7. Sydney, Australia
8. Dublin, Ireland
9. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
10. Lima, Peru
11. Alcatraz, California
12. Seattle, Washington
13. Boston, Massachussets
14. Saint Pierre, Canada
15. Venice, Italy
16. Tokyo, Japan
17. Amsterdam, Denmark
18. Berlin, Germany
19. Madrid, Spain
20. Cairo, Egypt
21. Detroit, Michigan
22. Washington D.C.
23. San Francisco, California
24. Manchester, England
25. New Delhi, India
26. Taipei, Taiwan
27. Acapulco, Mexico
28. San Juan, Puerto Rico
29. Hamilton, Bermuda
30. Jerusalem, Israel

The group correctly identified 10 locations, earning $0.40 for the pot.

Earned: $0.40

Reward: None

Challenge 3.3: Tabloid Twist

Objective: Correctly identify a group of celebrities.

The group did fairly well cooperating on this challenge. Mike, Padraig, Aaron, Ryan, Andy, and Evin all elected to share their images with the group and Padraig took charge and started publicly piecing together matching parts. Below is a list of the eight public figures pictured.

Carrie Underwood
Conan O'Brien
Condoleeza Rice
Kim Jong-Il
Rainn Wilson
Bill O'reilly
peyton manning
Tina Fey

Seven of the eight were correctly identified. Because agents usually answered in a conversational manner rather than firmly stating their answers I had to use my best judgment in how to take in the answers. Tina Fey was mentioned, but not decided upon, and taking Padraig's final combination image as an indicator of the group's consensus on a different answer I could not award the group a correct answer on that one.

With seven correctly identified, $0.70 will be added to the pot. While several wrong names were discussed, only one correct answer was made "official", by Ryan, deducting $0.10 from the pot.

Ryan posted the most correct answers, with three accurate responses, earning himself a +1 Quiz Bonus for this episode.

Earned: $0.60

Reward: Ryan +1 QP