Online Mole Challenge 5: Episode 4 Challenges


Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Episode 4 Challenges

Challenge 4.1: Tycoon

Objective: Earn as much money as possible for the pot.

This challenge involves earning as much money as possible in a simulated free market environment. This is an easy challenge in which to win money, but it will require cooperation and a little bit of strategy.

Each player in the "market" has been allotted 1 token, ("resources") and 1 ticket ("capital"). At the challenge deadline, for every ticket in the market (held by a player) $0.10 will be added to the pot. If there is more than $2.00 in the market, a $0.40 bonus will automatically be added to the pot, for a maximum possible winnings of $2.50.

How is money earned you ask? Why, by acquiring more tickets of course. There is a "bank" that holds an infinite amount of tokens and tickets. You can sell a token to the bank in exchange for two tickets, or you can buy a token from the bank for the price of two tickets. The more tokens sold, the more money earned.

You can also trade amongst your fellow players. You may buy and sell, or even just give, tokens to and from each other. Unlike dealing with the bank, there are no set terms in the open market. You are free to wheel and deal and set your own terms for each transaction.

To make a transaction with the bank, simply post on the forums, "I WOULD LIKE TO [BUY/SELL] A TOKEN [FROM/TO] THE BANK". To make a transaction with another player, one player must propose a deal and the other must accept. In order for the transaction to be official, you must follow this post format (filling in the applicable choices):


Players may choose to deny an offer. Players may also choose to respond to one offer with a proposal of their own with different terms. Feel free to post freely on the forums, for example stating you are willing to sell or looking to buy tokens, but keep in mind that only transactions made in the above format will be made official. Transactions take place immediately after a player accepts the terms of the proposal, or immediately after posting a proposal to the bank.

The player with the most tokens at the challenge deadline wins an exemption.

Deadline: 03/03 @ 11:59 PM Eastern

Worth: $2.50

Reward: Exemption to the player with the most tokens.

Challenge 4.2: The Big Switcheroo

Objective: Identify two players who have switched identities.

The premise for this live task is simple. All players will get on AIM, I will then link everyone to a private chat room. The players will then meet in the chat room. Two players in the chat will not be who they seem to be, two players will swap identities and log into the chat as each other. The challenge for the team is to correctly identify which two agents switched.

Prior to the task, the two players who have been chosen to switch will be notified, and asked if they would like to take that role. Once in the chat, it will be a time for free conversation. The team may do and say whatever necessary to help them identify the two agents who have swapped identities. There will be a forty-five minute time limit. Since the player swapping takes place as soon as they are in the chat room, the clock will start right at 9 pm est. Make sure you come a little early if you have questions to ask. Immediately after that time expires, the players must vote on who they think switched. There will be two separate set of votes, one to try and identify each player who swapped. The voting will end at exactly 9:50 pm est. Any votes not in by then won't be counted. In each set of votes, majority will determine who the team picks as a whole.

If both players who swapped are identified, $2.00 will be added to the pot. If only one is identified, $1.00 will be added to the pot. If either swapped player is not identified by the group, they will receive a +2 Quiz Bonus for this episode.

Time: 03/03 @ 09:00 PM EST (Meet on AIM, Play in Designated Web Chatroom)
Estimated to last one hour

Worth: $2.00

Reward: +2 Quiz Bonus to unidentified swapped player(s).

Mole Points Challenge 4: Caption This

On the forums you will find three very random and partially comical images. Your task is to come up with some witty captions to these photos. The mini moles will be judging your humor and creativity. There's some more details on the forums.

Deadline: 03/03 @ 11:59 PM Eastern