Online Mole Challenge 5: February 2007


Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Episode 4 Challenges

Challenge 4.1: Tycoon

Objective: Earn as much money as possible for the pot.

This challenge involves earning as much money as possible in a simulated free market environment. This is an easy challenge in which to win money, but it will require cooperation and a little bit of strategy.

Each player in the "market" has been allotted 1 token, ("resources") and 1 ticket ("capital"). At the challenge deadline, for every ticket in the market (held by a player) $0.10 will be added to the pot. If there is more than $2.00 in the market, a $0.40 bonus will automatically be added to the pot, for a maximum possible winnings of $2.50.

How is money earned you ask? Why, by acquiring more tickets of course. There is a "bank" that holds an infinite amount of tokens and tickets. You can sell a token to the bank in exchange for two tickets, or you can buy a token from the bank for the price of two tickets. The more tokens sold, the more money earned.

You can also trade amongst your fellow players. You may buy and sell, or even just give, tokens to and from each other. Unlike dealing with the bank, there are no set terms in the open market. You are free to wheel and deal and set your own terms for each transaction.

To make a transaction with the bank, simply post on the forums, "I WOULD LIKE TO [BUY/SELL] A TOKEN [FROM/TO] THE BANK". To make a transaction with another player, one player must propose a deal and the other must accept. In order for the transaction to be official, you must follow this post format (filling in the applicable choices):


Players may choose to deny an offer. Players may also choose to respond to one offer with a proposal of their own with different terms. Feel free to post freely on the forums, for example stating you are willing to sell or looking to buy tokens, but keep in mind that only transactions made in the above format will be made official. Transactions take place immediately after a player accepts the terms of the proposal, or immediately after posting a proposal to the bank.

The player with the most tokens at the challenge deadline wins an exemption.

Deadline: 03/03 @ 11:59 PM Eastern

Worth: $2.50

Reward: Exemption to the player with the most tokens.

Challenge 4.2: The Big Switcheroo

Objective: Identify two players who have switched identities.

The premise for this live task is simple. All players will get on AIM, I will then link everyone to a private chat room. The players will then meet in the chat room. Two players in the chat will not be who they seem to be, two players will swap identities and log into the chat as each other. The challenge for the team is to correctly identify which two agents switched.

Prior to the task, the two players who have been chosen to switch will be notified, and asked if they would like to take that role. Once in the chat, it will be a time for free conversation. The team may do and say whatever necessary to help them identify the two agents who have swapped identities. There will be a forty-five minute time limit. Since the player swapping takes place as soon as they are in the chat room, the clock will start right at 9 pm est. Make sure you come a little early if you have questions to ask. Immediately after that time expires, the players must vote on who they think switched. There will be two separate set of votes, one to try and identify each player who swapped. The voting will end at exactly 9:50 pm est. Any votes not in by then won't be counted. In each set of votes, majority will determine who the team picks as a whole.

If both players who swapped are identified, $2.00 will be added to the pot. If only one is identified, $1.00 will be added to the pot. If either swapped player is not identified by the group, they will receive a +2 Quiz Bonus for this episode.

Time: 03/03 @ 09:00 PM EST (Meet on AIM, Play in Designated Web Chatroom)
Estimated to last one hour

Worth: $2.00

Reward: +2 Quiz Bonus to unidentified swapped player(s).

Mole Points Challenge 4: Caption This

On the forums you will find three very random and partially comical images. Your task is to come up with some witty captions to these photos. The mini moles will be judging your humor and creativity. There's some more details on the forums.

Deadline: 03/03 @ 11:59 PM Eastern

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Episode 3 Execution Results

The execution interface has been updated, click the link in the sidebar to discover the third agent to be executed!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Episode 3 Challenge Debriefing

Challenge 3.1: Package Peril

Objective: Win as much money for the pot as possible.

With four agents, Aaron, Evin, Keith, and Mike (Padraig showed up but had computer issues making him unable to compete), attending this challenge, a few alterations had to be made to the challenge to accommodate for the numbers. Instead of the six listed boxes, the challenge involved four boxes, one holding $1.75, one holding Exemption, one a +1 Quiz Bonus, and one a -1 Quiz Penalty. The agents were allotted ten minutes to figure out how they would stand on the boxes. Aaron ended up standing on the money box, Evin on the +1 box, and Mike and Keith both on the Exemption box, voiding the contents.

Earned: $1.75

Reward: Evin +1 QP

Challenge 3.2: Where in the World are the Mini Moles?

Objective: Correctly identify world locations.

This proved to be quite a difficult challenge for the group. Below is a list of the correct locations, locations the group correctly identified have been bolded.

1. Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
2. Las Vegas, Nevada
3. Palm Springs, California
4. Panama City, Panama
5. Dundee, Scotland
6. Seoul, South Korea
7. Sydney, Australia
8. Dublin, Ireland
9. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
10. Lima, Peru
11. Alcatraz, California
12. Seattle, Washington
13. Boston, Massachussets
14. Saint Pierre, Canada
15. Venice, Italy
16. Tokyo, Japan
17. Amsterdam, Denmark
18. Berlin, Germany
19. Madrid, Spain
20. Cairo, Egypt
21. Detroit, Michigan
22. Washington D.C.
23. San Francisco, California
24. Manchester, England
25. New Delhi, India
26. Taipei, Taiwan
27. Acapulco, Mexico
28. San Juan, Puerto Rico
29. Hamilton, Bermuda
30. Jerusalem, Israel

The group correctly identified 10 locations, earning $0.40 for the pot.

Earned: $0.40

Reward: None

Challenge 3.3: Tabloid Twist

Objective: Correctly identify a group of celebrities.

The group did fairly well cooperating on this challenge. Mike, Padraig, Aaron, Ryan, Andy, and Evin all elected to share their images with the group and Padraig took charge and started publicly piecing together matching parts. Below is a list of the eight public figures pictured.

Carrie Underwood
Conan O'Brien
Condoleeza Rice
Kim Jong-Il
Rainn Wilson
Bill O'reilly
peyton manning
Tina Fey

Seven of the eight were correctly identified. Because agents usually answered in a conversational manner rather than firmly stating their answers I had to use my best judgment in how to take in the answers. Tina Fey was mentioned, but not decided upon, and taking Padraig's final combination image as an indicator of the group's consensus on a different answer I could not award the group a correct answer on that one.

With seven correctly identified, $0.70 will be added to the pot. While several wrong names were discussed, only one correct answer was made "official", by Ryan, deducting $0.10 from the pot.

Ryan posted the most correct answers, with three accurate responses, earning himself a +1 Quiz Bonus for this episode.

Earned: $0.60

Reward: Ryan +1 QP

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Episode 3 Challenges

Challenge 3.1: Package Peril

Objective: Win as much money for the pot as possible.

In this live challenge, the concept is quite basic but strategy and teamwork will be necessary to succeed. The players will be invited to the chat room at the designated time. They will then be informed that there are six (imaginary of course) packages. Each package contains one of the following:

$1.75 Added to Pot
+1 Quiz Bonus
$1.75 Deducted from Pot
-1 Quiz Penalty
Neutralization for Episode 4

The players present must decide on a package to "stand on". If only one player is standing on a package the contents of the package will be added/subtracted or given to the player who is standing on that package. More than one player may stand on a package, and a package may be left unoccupied. However, the contents will only be applied if exactly one player stands on the package.

Time: 02/21 @ 09:00 PM EST (AIM Chat)
Estimated to last one half-hour

Worth: $1.75

Reward: Exemption and/or Neutralization as well as quiz bonuses may be awarded according to the rules above (A neutralized player can not earn exemption in the following episode).

Challenge 3.2: Where in the world are the Mini Moles?

Objective: Correctly identify world locations.

Beginning 02/22 I will post 10 screenshots from Google Earth on the forums each day for three days. Your task is to figure out where is pictured. Using Google Earth or Google Maps would be the best way to do so.

Only one answer may be given per picture and an agent may not post more than two answers per day.

Agents must provide the city & state for locations in the US, city & country for global locations.

$.04 will be added to the pot for every correct guess... an extra $.10 will be tossed in if all 10 locations from a day are correct.

Download Google Earth

Deadline: 02/24 @ 11:59 PM EST

Worth: $1.50

Reward: None

Challenge 3.3: Tabloid Twist

Objective: Correctly identify a group of celebrities.

I have selected a group of eight world celebrities. I took a picture of each person, and mix-and-matched their facial features with other peoples' in the group. I will send out an email to each player on 02/22 containing a scrambled up image containing part of each person's face.

It is your task to identify all eight celebrities. When you think you know someone who is pictured, post their name on the forums. Each correct name posted earns $0.10 for the pot. Each incorrect name posted deducts $0.10 from the pot. If all eight celebrities are identified, $1.50 will be added to the pot (deductions for incorrect answers not deemed void however).

Feel free to share your images with your fellow agents. However, the agent who correctly identifies the most celebrities wins a +1 Quiz Bonus for Episode 3 (only if you are the first to post the correct name do you get credit).

Deadline: 02/24 @ 11:59 PM EST

Worth: $1.50

Reward: +2 Quiz Bonus

Mole Points Challenge 3: You're no poet, and we all know it.

Write an original poem that incorporates a mole related topic. Any kind of poem will do. The Mini Moles will be looking for creativity and your mole reference.

Deadline: 02/24 @ 11:59 PM Eastern

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Episode 2 Execution Results

The execution interface has been updated, click the link in the sidebar to discover the second agent to be executed!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Episode 2 Challenge Debriefing

Challenge 2.1: Sharks n' Minnows

Objective: Safely navigate from one end of a gameboard to another.

After several days of scrambling across the board, a handful of agents did make it all the way across, evading the dreaded shark. Here is a list of the minnows that reached land (in order):


*There was a lot of confusion regarding Mike's time limit situation, but I won't get into that here. Check the Challenge 2.1 thread on the forums if you are interested in the particulars and my ruling on the matter.

Six agents successfully crossed the board, adding $1.50 to the pot. Andy was the only agent to be ousted by Padraig, the shark. Therefore, Fred, being the first minnow to reach land, is granted exemption.

Earned: $0.50

Reward: Fred wins exemption

Challenge 2.2: Tetris

Objective: Clear 15 rows in a turn-based version of Tetris.

This challenge didn't last too long. Mike kicked it off by posting a piece. Then Padraig placed a piece that was out of sequence for his set of pieces terminating the challenge before any money could be won.

Earned: $0.00

Reward: None

Challenge 2.3: Bullseye

Objective: Get to know your fellow agents.

Below is a list of each how the agents fared on this challenge.

Question # - Answered by - Submitted answer - Correct answer - Percent error
1] Aaron - 15 - 16 - 6%
4] Evin - 15 - 15 - 0%
5] Evin - 21 - 21 - 0%
8] Evin - 14 - 15 - 7%
9] Aaron - 60 - 65 - 8%
11] Mike - 6 - 6 - 0%
12] Mike - 12 - 12 - 0%
13] Mike - 15 - 15 - 0%
14] Fred - 6 - 27 - 78%
15] Fred - 15 - 84 - 82%
16] Andy - 66 - 81 - 19%
17] Andy - 24 - 36 - 33%
18] Ryan - 6 - 6 - 0%
19] Padraig - 15 - 20 - 25%
20] Aaron - 6 - 6 - 0%
21] Padraig - 11 - 20 - 45%
22] Fred - 8 - 8 - 0%
23] Padraig - 5 - 5 - 0%
24] Ryan - 25 - 25 - 0%
25] Ryan - 101 - 105 - 4%

Question six was not listed on the puzzle page in a blunder on my part, I awarded the group with the full $0.05 for that question (not reflected in breakdown below). Keith posted four answers at once, to questions 2, 3, 7, and 10, making all of his answers void at that point.

$0.05 0% Error: 11 Answers
$0.04 10% Error: 4 Answers
$0.03 20% Error: 1 Answers
$0.02 30% Error: 1 Answers
$0.01 40% Error: 1 Answers

Earned: $0.82

Reward: None

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Episode 2 Challenges

Challenge 2.1: Sharks n' Minnows

Objective: Safely navigate from one end of a gameboard to another.

In this challenge, a group of eight agents, "minnows", will try to navigate across a gameboard without being ousted by the "shark". The gameboard consists of a seven-by-eight grid. The "minnows" will start lined up down the furthest right column of the gameboard (arranged based on the reply order to the Jaws thread on the forums and alphabetically for those who haven't replied). The "shark" will begin in the approximate center of the gameboard. The "minnows" will take turns moving from space to space attempting to make it to a space in the furthest left column of the gameboard, we shall call these spaces "land".

The challenge is divided up into rounds. In each round, the "minnows" post on the forums the direction they would like to move: N, E, S, W. "Minnows" are allowed to move one space in one direction per round. However, the "shark" is allowed to move two spaces N, E, S, or W (shark, please specify if you wish to move one or two spaces) per round. All players may opt to stay where they are for the round if they do not wish to move. If all "minnows" have not made a move within seven hours of the start of the round, they lose their turn and default to staying where they are. The shark may only move once per round, either after all eight "minnows" have made their move or after seven hours have elapsed since the beginning of the current round, whichever comes first. The shark has up to three hours to make their move after one of the conditions stated before or they too default to staying where they are.

I will update the gameboard graphic on the forums after each round (you don't have to wait for me to post the gameboard if I'm running behind to start up a new round, just keep track of where everyone is). No two players may occupy the same space (including "land" spaces), so keep track of where everyone is moving during each round. If a player tries to move onto a space occupied by another player, the player who is already occupying that space has the right to that space and the player trying to move to that space defaults to staying where they are.

The sharks ousts players chess style, by moving to the space the "minnow" is occupying. If a "minnow" moves onto the space the shark is occupying, they are ousted. The shark may not move to a "land" space.

Each "minnow" that reaches land earns $0.15 for the pot. If five "minnows" must reach land $1.50 will be added to the pot.

Finally, the shark is PADRAIG (for replying to the Jaws thread first).

Deadline: 02/17 @ 11:59 PM EST

Worth: $1.50

Reward: The first agent to reach land wins exemption. Unless, the shark ousts 4 or more players, the shark wins exemption.

Challenge 2.2: Tetris

Objective: Clear 15 rows in a turn-based version of Tetris.

This challenge is a turn-based adaptation of the classic puzzle game Tetris. If you don't know the basic premise of Tetris (where have you been?), you can play this great online version to get a feel for it.

Each agent has been emailed a set of six Tetris pieces. Agents will take turns "dropping" the pieces into the gameboard following Tetris rules. I have provided the blank gameboard on the forums. The first player will copy that gameboard and edit their piece where they want it to go using MS Paint, Adobe Photoshop, or some other program; they will then post the new gameboard with their piece added to the challenge thread. The next player to place a piece will take the latest gameboard posted and edit in their piece, and so on. You must wait until at least two other agents place a piece before posting another one. You must post your pieces in the numerical order indicated in the email I sent you. You may place a piece in any rotated state (NOT flipped) as according to Tetris rules.

If, when adding your piece, you complete a horizontal row(s), do NOT delete the row(s) yourself; instead color the completed row(s) black. The next player to add a piece will be responsible for clearing the black row(s) from the gameboard and shifting pieces above the black row(s) down. Also, please add your pieces to the gameboard using your agent color (see forums, or just look at the color of the pieces I sent you).

Each cleared line is worth $0.05 added to the pot. If 15 lines are cleared, $1.00 will be added to the pot.

If at any time a rule listed here, or a Tetris gameplay rule is violated, the challenge will end immediately upon the violation and no further money can be won.

Deadline: 02/17 @ 11:59 PM EST

Worth: $1.00

Reward: None

Challenge 2.3: Bullseye

Objective: Correctly solve 25 puzzles.

I have developed a series of twenty-five challenging puzzles. It is your task for this challenge to correctly solve them. Due to the difficulty of some of the puzzles, your success will be gauged by your accuracy for each question based on the following scale:

0% Error: $0.05 added to the pot
10% Error: $0.04 added to the pot
20% Error: $0.03 added to the pot
30% Error: $0.02 added to the pot
40% Error: $0.01 added to the pot
>40% Error: $0.00 added to the pot

*Each level includes the percentage listed and all lesser percentages until the next level.

Each agent may answer a maximum of three puzzles. If someone goes over, the challenge ends as soon as the extra answer is posted and no further money can be won.

In order to save space I have listed the puzzles to be solved here.

Deadline: 02/17 @ 11:59 PM EST

Worth: $1.25

Reward: None

Mole Points Challenge 2: Comic Relief

Get creative and create an original comic. It can be developed on a computer or hand drawn and scanned in. It can be a single panel one-liner, or a complicated string of events. Whatever your heart desires. There are only two requirements: 1) It must be original, the Mini Moles will be looking out for remakes or direct copying from existing comics. 2) It must incorporate something mole related (note I didn't say it had to be OMC related necessarily). Happy doodling!

Deadline: 02/17 @ 11:59 PM Eastern

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Episode 1 Execution Results

The execution interface has been updated, click the link in the sidebar to discover the first agent to be executed!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

And So It Begins...

Welcome agents, to TS-7. Congratulations on making it this far. However, there is no time to waste. There are very pressing issues on hand. In a recent report, the government has outlined the developing threat of a viral epidemic. This report, made in response to growing public concern regarding a string of sudden and highly mysterious, yet undoubtedly related deaths states that government researchers have reason to believe a strange new strain of virus had infected the affected individuals and is highly deadly and contagious. Quickly following the statement, Congress passed an act re-establishing our agency. It is our responsibility to root out the cause of these deaths, the identity and origin of such a pathogen, and develop a means to eliminate it.

These matters hit home quite hard indeed, as it has just come to my attention that traces of the infection are trickling into our agency. While the severity of such infections are minimal at this point, we do risk susceptibility should a widespread outbreak occur. It is my duty to inform you that Heidi has been infected. However, a vaccine which provides defense against infection lies in Keith's possession. I encourage all of you to visit the rules page for details about the infection and how it affects our agency. ("The Big OMC 5 Twist")

We have a pandemic on our hands, and it is our duty to eliminate it.

Episode 1 Challenge Debriefing


Objective: Answer 30 questions correctly

Five agents were able to attend the first challenge of OMC 5. Aaron, Evin, Heidi, Mike, and Padraig showed up. After a bit of meet and greet chat, the challenge got under way. The group did fairly well answering my onslaught of trivia questions. However it came right down to the wire. With Heidi, Mike, Aaron, and Padraig losing all of their lives Evin found himself standing alone with six questions remaining, five correct answers needed to win the challenge, and three strikes (incorrect answers) standing between him and defeat. Unfortunately for the group, Evin couldn't pull it off in the end and the group could only muster up 26 correct answers of the 30 necessary for challenge success. However, $.50 was added to the pot for reaching the 20 correct answer level.

Answering 11 questions correctly, Mike wins exemption for the first episode. Evin, Aaron, Padraig, and Heidi answered 8, 5, 2, and 0 questions correctly respectively.

Earned: $0.50

Reward: Mike wins exemption

Challenge 1.2: Blog-O-Sphere

Objective: Complete a seamless webring of player customized blogs.

I chose to start my inspection of the blog ring at Keith's blog (because he was the last agent to email me his URL so it was at the top of my inbox). I began by inspecting the forward links. All seemed to be OK at first, however I encountered a broken link when I came to Andy's forward link. As the challenge rules state, any broken links in the ring result in no money added to the pot. But just for grins and giggles, I went back to Keith's blog to see if the group could get the backwards ring in order. Upon checking the back links, I found that Keith's blog the back link took me to Padraig's blog (which is forwards, skipping over Mike) and not only that but I ended up back at Keith's blog after a clicking a couple more back links.

With number four on the list of requirements a bust, I went back to check to see if each blog had the first three requirements: a logo link to the main blog, a bio, and their player pic. I came across the following errors:
Andy: Missing logo link, pic, and bio: -$0.15
Fred: Missing logo link, pic, and bio: -$0.15
Heidi: Missing logo link, pic, and bio: -$0.15
Keith: Missing logo link, pic, and bio: -$0.15

Not exactly getting off on the right foot.

Earned: $-0.60

Reward: None

Challenge 1.3: Deep Dark Secrets

Objective: Get to know your fellow agents.

Brentin, Evin, Keith, Mike, Padraig, and Ryan participated in Part One of the challenge by posting an interesting fact about their life on the forums. Each player could choose to post a truthful or deceitful fact. Here's the validity of each post:
Brentin: TRUE
Evin: TRUE
Keith: TRUE
Mike: TRUE
Padraig: FALSE

In Part Two, each player was asked to guess whether they thought each post was true or false. Overall, the group made 25 correct guesses, worth $0.25 added to the pot. With five correct guesses, Keith wins the bonus. There was a three way tie of zero correct guesses between Andy, Brentin, and Heidi. A die rolling tie-breaker determined Heidi as the player who receives the penalty. Both the bonus and penalty will be revealed tomorrow (Sunday).

Earned: $0.25

Reward: I will disclose the rewards Sunday.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Episode 1 Challenges


Objective: Answer 30 questions correctly

In your first live challenge, you will be asked to work as a team in a classic OMC trivia competition. This challenge will test your ability to cooperate with your fellow agents, think strategically, and see how much general knowledge you have.

Essentially, this is a trivia challenge. However, there is much more going on than that. I will ask a series of questions relating to many different topics. Your main objective is to answer these questions as accurately as possible to reach your goal of 30 correct answers. I have a total of 50 questions prepared. This means, if nothing else, you can only miss 20 questions. I doubt it will come to that because of the other elements of this challenge.

After a question has been presented, an agent must chime in to indicate they will be answering the question. The first agent to say “ding” will be responsible for answering the question. Once an agent has said “ding”, no other agents’ response to the question will be considered. After the question has been asked, an agent must chime in within 10 seconds. After an agent chimes in, they have 5 seconds to submit their answer. Violating either of these time limits will result in the question being considered answered incorrectly.

Every agent will be granted two “lives”. If the agent answers a question correctly, it will add to the tally of correct answers. On the other hand, if a question is answered incorrectly, the agent who answered incorrectly must select another agent to eliminate a life from. If all of an agent’s lives are eliminated, they are ousted and can not participate further in the task. If it comes down to one remaining agent, lives will no longer be in effect. Rather, with one agent left, incorrect answers will earn the last remaining agent a “strike”. If that agent earns three strikes the task is a failure. Also, the last remaining agent does not have to chime in to answer a question and will have a total time limit of 10 seconds to submit their answer.

Time: 02/07 @ 09:15 PM EST (AIM)
Estimated to last one hour

Worth: $1.50
$0.50 for 20 correct answers.

Reward: Exemption will be awarded to the agent who correctly answers the most questions.

Challenge 1.2: Blog-O-Sphere

Objective: Complete a seamless webring of player customized blogs.

In what has become an OMC tradition, you will, using Blogger, construct a blog. You'll use this blog throughout the game to post public confessionals and public comments about executed agents. As per the rules, each agent must make at least one confessional post and one executed agent post per episode (these may not be the same post).

You can do anything you want with your blog - use any name you want, any URL you want, as long as you have the following four elements IN YOUR BLOG'S TEMPLATE:

1. OMC 5 logo linked back to OMC 5 home page.
2. Your agent picture.
3. A 100-200 word bio (as part of the template, remember)
4. "Forward" and "Back" links - more on that in a moment.

$.05 will be deducted for each mistake with the first 3 items found after the challenge deadline passes. As soon as you set up your blog, send the URL to Ryan M.

Web ring - The team must work together to coordinate a web ring of blogs. Basically what this means is that each agent's blog must contain a "forward" and a "back" link ("forward" linking to the next blog in the ring and "backward" linking to the previous blog in the ring). The "forward" link on the last blog links to the first blog, the "backward" link on the first blog links to the last blog.

After the challenge deadline passes I will choose a blog at random to start with and click the "forward" link, continuing to click the "forward" link on each successive blog. I should not visit the same blog twice before I get back to the first in the sequence, nor should I run into any broken links. If the "forward" ring is navigated successfully, I'll do the same thing with the "back" links. For each blog successfully linked in the ring, $.10 will be added to the pot - if all ten are successfully linked, $1 will be added to the pot. If the ring is broken at any point (forward or back) no money will be added to the pot for this challenge.

If people are being uncooperative you may cut them out of the ring, but the ring must still be unbroken.

Ryan M WILL NOT give any tech support for this challenge. You must ask your teammates for help if you get stuck.

Deadline: 02/10 @ 11:59 PM EST

Worth: $1.00

Reward: None

Challenge 1.3: Deep Dark Secrets

Objective: Get to know your fellow agents.

If you wish to have success in any ORG, much less a mole game, you need to know your fellow agents. Obviously you all know this, but just to make sure we're all getting off on a good foot, and to test your online social skills here's a fun little challenge.


Over the next several days, use AIM, email, and/or the forums to chat it up and get to know your fellow players. Sometime over the next couple of days, each player must post something interesting about themselves. The deeper you go the better. Perhaps an embarassing story, favorite memory, or a life's aspiration. A bad example would be stating your favorite color or hometown. Here's where it gets interesting... You can opt to post either a true fact about yourself or make something up. E-mail Ryan M right away to tell him whether you're posting a truthful fact or a false one. Do not reveal your choice to the other players.

If you're posting something truthful, everything in it must be completely genuine. If you're posting something false, it must be completely made up and have no factual basis whatsoever.

For each agent who does not make a post, $.05 will be deducted from the pot.


After the deadline for posting has passed, each agent will e-mail me with their guesses as to which posts are real and which are made up.

Each correct guess an agent makes adds $0.01 to the pot. If the group as a whole is 90% accurate or better $1.00 will be added to the pot. The agent with the most correct guesses will win a bonus, but I will not tell what it is at this point. I will tell you that it is quite beneficial and worth your while. On the other hand, the agent who makes the least correct guesses will receive a consequence that is definitely not desirable, but again I will not disclose what it is until the challenge is over. In the event of a tie in either case, the winning or losing agent will be decide by rolling a die.

PART ONE Deadline: 02/09 @ 11:59 PM EST
PART TWO Deadline: 02/10 @ 11:59 PM EST

Worth: $1.00

Reward: Mysterious

Mole Points Challenge 1: Extreme Makeover Blog Edition

Get creative with your blog - feel free to add all kinds of doo-dads and weird stuff to express your personality. The Mini Mole Panel will judge the blogs and determine which three are the coolest. First place gets 5 mole points, second gets 4 mole points, third gets 3 mole point.

Deadline: 02/10 @ 11:59 PM Eastern

The Complete OMC Experience

The Online Mole Challenge series has always been acclaimed for its openness and interactivity for both players and viewers, the fifth season is no exception. No matter what's going on in the game, you can keep up with the action and keep yourself entertained for hours with the supplementary content featured in OMC 5. Here is a look at all the snazzy stuff OMC 5 has to offer.

The OMC 5 Blog
You already know about the OMC 5 blog, considering you're reading it right now. Here you can find the latest news, challenges, quiz information, and plot snippets. This blog is a great way for casual viewers to keep up with all the game happenings.

The Forums
The agent's forums is where the players converse and complete challenges. The forums are open to the public for viewing so you can witness all the action in real time.

Player's Blogs
Following the first episode challenge deadline, each player will have a personal blog linked to their picture at the top of the OMC 5 blog. Players fill these blogs with confessionals and other commentary. These blogs are great for learning more about each player and getting into the heads of the players.

Mini Mole Blog
If you still haven't had enough OMC, you can check out the Compound 19 mini mole blog. This is where OMC 5's panel of mini moles, a group of three specially selected OMC alums and ORG community members, will analyze the game from an outsiders point of view. The mini moles have no inside information about challenges, the mole, or anything of the sort. In addition to providing insight about the game, the mini moles are responsible for administering and deciding the winners of Mole Point Challenges.

The Vault
If you still have time to waste, try cracking the code to the vault. Inside the vault are bonuses and goodies for the players to purchase with Mole Points. While there is nothing thrilling for viewers to obtain by entering the vault, maybe it will help you feel like you're part of the game or something.

The Cast

The moment you've all been waiting for! I am proud to present to you the cast of Online Mole Challenge 5!


A very well rounded cast consisting of OMC alums, Crazy Emu Production patrons, ORG veterans, and other very well qualified contestants make up what could prove to be the most competitive cast in OMC history.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

The Cast

I have finally received a confirmation from each applicant selected for the cast. I apologize for the delay, it took longer than expected to get these confirmations. Please do not take this as an indicator for my punctuality in hosting the game or the dedication of the players who took some time to reply to the confirmation email, certain conditions had to be worked out before these players could confirm their spot in the game. That aside, I am pleased to present the cast of OMC 5:


Oh wait, I'm not going to reveal the cast yet! The first obstacle the players will have to overcome is entering the first challenge of the game, which just so happens to be live, not knowing who their teammates are before hand. At this first live challenge, those in attendance will meet their fellow cast members for the first time and the full cast will be revealed by yours truly. The cast list will also be posted on the blog as soon as the live challenge is underway. Entering as strangers, how will the group perform?

Online Mole Challenge 5 Officially Begins February 7th.